This section outlines steps to create a data improvement strategy that draws on the needs identified in Section 2. To create lasting state- or systems-level change, it is important to have buy-in and commitment from all education levels and partner agencies. Make sure you have the right partners at the table before you complete the plan of action. Building a cross-functional career readiness data team at the planning stage can help secure support and ensure consensus before beginning the work. 

If you haven't already, visit Section 2 to complete your State- or System-Level Needs Assessment. You will use the results of the assessment to develop your Plan of Action below.
  • Current Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Complete
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Step 1: Clarify Your Vision 

The first step in developing your data improvement strategy is to define your destination. What is your vision for career readiness in your state? How can data be used to achieve that vision? This step is a good opportunity to reach consensus with inter-agency partners and consider aspirations across education levels.